Wownero: How to solo mine on testnet with XMRig

This is useful to see what it looks like when finding a block if you're solo mining wownero on mainnet and to check you have it setup right. Since you will get blocks quite rarely when mining on mainnet, this is a nice way to see what it would look like.

These instructions are for Windows 10.


1. Download the latest release:

2. Extract it and open a cmd or powershell in the folder where you extracted it to. Run this command:
./wownerod --testnet --offline --fixed-difficulty 10000

3. Open the cli wallet in testnet mode. Again, do this by opening a cmd or powershell window in the folder and running this line:
.\wownero-wallet-cli.exe --testnet

4. Make a new testnet wallet or open one you have already by following the prompts in the console.

5. Run this in the wallet. You can change the number 1 to run on more threads:
start_mining 1

6. Wait until it reaches block 55 in the daemon, at which point it stops working and you'll see errors like this: 
Miner signature is invalid
mined block failed verification

7. Get your main address and private spend key from the cli wallet by running these commands in it:



Copy the address and the secret spend key.

8. Put these in XMRig and run it. It should begin mining and you'll see accepted messages in green. This is what it would look like if you got a block on mainnet too.

I like to add the address and secret spend key to XMRig in the config file, but you can also do it with the command line arguments. Here's the section of the config file that you need to edit. Note the url shows localhost:11181. This is the default port the wownero daemon runs on in testnet mode. The port will be different for mainnet mode.

    "pools": [


            "algo": null,

            "coin": "wownero",

            "url": "localhost:11181",

            "user": "ADDRESS GOES HERE",

            "pass": "x",

            "rig-id": null,

            "nicehash": false,

            "keepalive": true,

            "enabled": true,

            "tls": false,

            "tls-fingerprint": null,

            "daemon": true,

            "socks5": null,

            "self-select": null,

            "submit-to-origin": false,

    "spend-secret-key":"SECRET SPEND KEY GOES HERE"




You can tip me here, if you want:



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